Canadian Multiculturalism (Genre: Society)

Multiculturalism is not new to Canada but it yet has to be fully understood and accepted by us. As widely acknowledged, "Multiculturalism in Canada," is the sense of a common celebration of racial, religious, social and cultural backgrounds together with rights and duties. Multiculturalism in Canada was officially adopted by the Canadian government during the 1970s and 1980s and is now an important policy of the government today.

Canada's population consists of people from a diverse racial, religious and cultural backgrounds and is now also open to cultural pluralism in the wider context of things. As we all know, Canada has experienced different waves of immigration since the nineteenth century, and by the 1980s about 40 percent of the population were neither British nor French (the two largest groups, and amongst the oldest of all groups).

In the past, the British and the French have been given a lot of importance in the Canadian history. Today, people from outside the British and French heritage constitute a great majority of the population, with an increasing percentage of individuals who identify as "visible minorities."

According to information made available, all Canada's provinces have some form of multiculturalism policy. A total of six provinces namely British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec, Manitoba and Nova Scotia have authorized multiculturalism legislation, while eight of the provinces–British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia– all have an advisory council that reports to the minister responsible for multiculturalism within the province.

Multiculturalism helps promote the economy because immigrants come with a strong work ethic and skills that are in demand thereby helping the nation with labor shortage issues. However, it is also true that many do not find the right fit jobs or remain underemployed or unemployed but they still gain a lot from their experiences of living in a new and progressive society. Most immigrants that the author had a chance to talk have agreed that Canada is a good country with the governments being like doting mothers.

This is a big achievement for Canada and the Canadian people who need to be congratulated for having shown the courage and maturity to allow people from foreign lands to live and work. However, it is widely believed by most and by the author that this has yet to evolve fully and the White Canadians need to shed their racist attitude and fear that they will be overtaken if they help the Colored Canadians. It should be borne in mind that these things are controlled by God and that we all should live like loving brothers and sisters.

Multiculturalism is a profitable thing as it allows people to work together as also share the fruits of their labor. More new ideas can be brought to life than would be possible otherwise as this is a sure bet to help all leverage each other on their strengths and contributions as it allows sharing and helping towards a common goal.

Immigrants to Canada have contributed to politics, business, social service, sports, entertainment and other fields too thereby making the nation richer and interesting. There have been very few instances of racial discord in its overall history-making everyone to believe and rather accept that it is working. This is an example for all other nations to see that how people from diverse backgrounds can live in peace and harmony and yet maintain their diverse cultures. In countries like Britain and Germany, this has not been the case and they can learn from Canada.

It is the attitude that matters. People in Canada, the well-cultured lot most of them are, make special efforts to help people from other lands comfortable and set great examples as I have experienced countless times. This outlook and tolerance are commendable and deserves the appreciation of the highest order. However, there are some people who feel that the immigrants are not required and that they are inferior. Such racially demotivating thoughts need to be checked before it is too late.

It is by accepting each other and celebrating our uniqueness, we grow to the fullest. Pulling each other down only gives birth to more and more discord and hence should be avoided. Canada enjoys a very respectable image in the eyes of other nations and this is precisely because the society respects diversity and views it as a tool to achieve harmony and growth.

Multiculturalism allows the world to become a safer place while making it more efficient and healthy as it allows interflow of ideas, work, people and resources among other things. This is in fact what should be the paradigm of this century for the leading nations to help others evolve. It allows the world to forget its animosities and its most bitter war-torn past to usher into a new era of hope, peace and brotherhood.

We all should welcome this noble reality and provide each other with opportunities for growth and not just remain to tolerate public participants. Currently, it has been my observation that the majority community does not help the newcomers in getting jobs and this should change as we being part of the same society stand to gain by helping each other. In the overall schema of things God wants us to help each other because we are all humans.

Multiculturalism is a success and sure to stay. Let us all enjoy it and make it grow. 
