
Showing posts from 2013

Canadian Multiculturalism (Genre: Society)

Multiculturalism is not new to Canada but it yet has to be fully understood and accepted by us. As widely acknowledged, "Multiculturalism in Canada," is the sense of a common celebration of racial, religious, social and cultural backgrounds together with rights and duties. Multiculturalism in Canada was officially adopted by the Canadian government during the 1970s and 1980s and is now an important policy of the government today. Canada's population consists of people from a diverse racial, religious and cultural backgrounds and is now also open to cultural pluralism in the wider context of things. As we all know, Canada has experienced different waves of immigration since the nineteenth century, and by the 1980s about 40 percent of the population were neither British nor French (the two largest groups, and amongst the oldest of all groups). In the past, the British and the French have been given a lot of importance in the Canadian history. Today, people fro